About Me

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I started painting and writing messages of a spiritual nature after surviving a shooting incidence. This was a surprise to me at the time but now I am used to it happening and have been able to help friends with intuitive messages in their time of need. (See Books) I also paint for the fun of it and never know what is going to happen.Sometimes I just need to verbalise an emotion.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Upon Hearing an Aeroplane


I hear the sound of an aeroplane
Slicing through the silence.
It speaks of comings and goings,
Of partings and reunions.
The one full of sadness
The other full of joy.
It speaks of holidays in other places,
The mystery and magic of the newly discovered.
Vivid impressions of a first encounter
With people, places, smells, and language.
I think of the miracle of invention.
The first certainty that flight
In a machine was possible.
I marvel that the weight of so
Many people, baggage, cargo, metal
Can stay up there and not come
Down as does a ball when thrown aloft.
Mankind never ceases to amaze with
New and daring thoughts painstakingly
Realised to move life on another notch.
The inspiration surely comes like arrows
From the Universe directly to the waiting minds
Open to receive such innovative thoughts.
How many inspirational arrows fall
On stony ground before hitting the mark
Transforming into what we call
In our ignorance, Genius.
May such arrows never cease to aim
And find their mark, and may one
At least be labelled ‘Peace on Earth
Goodwill to Men’.






Saturday, August 31, 2013


It is a bright clear day
As I look out upon the bay.
Yesterday the sea had had its say,
No one had dared to pass that way.

The white fury was magnificently spent;
Even the seagulls had been sent
Winging away to perch on a distant
Point, observing the mad enchantment.

The anchored boats were but playthings
Of the waves that went rolling and adventuring
By kind permission of their King,
Intent upon their short-lived fling.

As I look now at this same the bay
Its hard to picture the sea that way.
Old King Neptune rests himself today.
The waves are bidden not to play.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Thoughts on Snow

The first snowfall of winter brings with it a certain excitement. It has a distinctive smell quite different from that of rain. It is a clear, cold pristine smell like pale blue would smell if it was a perfume. Feathery flakes flutter to the ground to join millions of others, in minutes working their white magic on the landscape. Briefly there is perfect silence as if all life is stunned, needing time to adjust to nature’s new clothing.
Tentative footprints crunch and leave their mark, soon to be obliterated as if never there. Children find new pleasures to explore, adults remember the slushy mess of a sudden thaw.
Away from urban sprawl nature paints her seasonal colours and does not require an audience.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Elusive Memory

I’ve been to see a film of a play! A luscious experience. Enjoyment piled upon enjoyment. Time out from real life. It was witty and succinct, and moved at a satisfying pace. What worries me now is retaining the memory of it. I feel it slipping from me hour by hour. I don’t want to lose it. I’m trying to re-live it to fix it in my memory bank. Will it be enough just to remember that I had a wonderful experience without the detail of the author’s cleverness.

The actor’s were totally believable, but even they have to slip back in to their everyday selves. Does their next role throw a cloak over the memory or will it be forever part of who they are.

Maybe it is that my experience of today will become part of who I am, a fragment of the whole.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Early morning air

The first whiff of early morning
Coming through the open window
Holds a special anticipation.
There is a promise that anything
Is possible if only one dared.
A freshness and a clarity like
A transparent veil enfolds me
Soon to leave behind a fragile
Imprint as the day becomes alive.
It is up to me entirely to breathe in,
And take hold of this opportunity.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Gateway

Dying is a gateway
To greater things beyond.
Although there is a special time
For each and every one
Don’t be in a rush to leave
You have your destiny to fulfil.
Just knowing the glory that awaits
Can make your earthly trials
Seem as a pinprick compared
With the timeless eternity that
Your soul has earned.
Do not fear life’s ending
When it draws near
But arm yourself with knowledge
And welcome the change
In your state of being.
Live, love, laugh and learn
Is all that is asked of you.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Solitary Musing

I stand alone upon the beach
Like many have I’m sure
And wonder where the waves
Have been before they came ashore.

Have they come from very far
Or do they ebb and flow eternally
Bound to this one spot
As prisoners on a chain.

I look down to see my feet
Encased in piebald sand.
Each grain far from its origin
Of solid rock and stone.

I look above my head to watch
The seagull’s aerial dance.
White wings flash with sunlight
Obeying the laws of flight.

In the far distance the azure sky
Meets the ultramarine dark sea.
A slight curve is all to tell
My wondering glance there’s more

More beyond and over
That deceptive finishing line
Which in the past fooled many
To believe the earth was flat.

 ©Eve Oct. 2012 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Field of Vision

The extent to which you can ‘see’ depends on the depth of your experience and willingness to apply it to everyday life. The world around you can be seen on more than one level according to your awareness. Life can be deep or it can be shallow - rather like a fish swimming only near the surface knows nothing of the teeming life below. In order to progress in our understanding it is important to have a receptive mind. A closed mind is no more use than a closed book.

Become accustomed to seeing in layers. Peer under each layer as you would a stone, question, be inquisitive, seek, find answers in unexpected places. There is so much more to be known behind the obvious. Grow a little in knowledge every day so the curtain between your mind and the universal mind is gradually dissolved.


The Development of a Conscience

We are born with an innate sense of right and wrong which needs developing and nurturing. To ignore the promptings to take the ‘right’ path is to start on a downward slide. It is much harder to reverse the ‘wrong’ path than to choose the one the conscience directs. Practice in listening to the directives of conscience help it to grow strong and in time the uplifting path becomes the natural one to choose.

Unfortunately the more one chooses the less moral action the easier it becomes to ignore conscience altogether. The gaols are surely full of people who have managed to suppress the promptings of their conscience.

Now that the mainstream churches have lessened their grip the conscience has lost one of its main allies which used to give weekly injections of morality. Now it is left to personal responsibility and the knowledge that each cause has an effect. Each action must ultimately be examined in the light of conscience.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I feel my central core
Is like a slender stem.
It has difficulty withstanding
The push and pull of stronger
Outside, intrusive, influences.
How to remain true to self
Even to know what that is.
The survival of the real me
Is crucial to my existence
But is everyday subject to attack.
Subtle changes take place
Which over time alter my
Perception of the real me.
Am I who I was meant to be.
Has the journey from cradle to grave
Made me into a different me.
Will I recognise the essence
Of myself when that is all that’s left.

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Dream

Wrapped in the mists of far off time.
I could not see your face; it was not clear,
But I knew that it was you.
You who made the sun and stars
To shine so bright for me
Whenever you were near.
You touched my dreams and came to me
And sent sweet perfume to enrapture.
You could not stay and went  away
Leaving a memory, a wisp of knowing,
To permeate my senses.
Even in the telling it is not real
And may soon fade away,
Away to Dreamland

Ode to the Sun After a Dark winter


Radiant sun we’ve missed you
Missed your warmth and comfort
Spirits have been sinking ever lower
Then, O joyous wonder of a morn
The grey and gloom dispersed
And there you were sliding
Into view above the darkened hills
Your beams like fingers reached out
And touched the earth so chill
Touched the weary and the old
And made them feel like gold.
We know you cannot stay
Nor would we wish it so
For cloud rain and wind also
Have their usefulness
But please do not be so long away.

The Lost Poet

The words you wrote
Were beautiful.
They did not rhyme or scan
But words from the heart
Have their own rhythm.
I waited for more lines
From you not knowing
That you lay dead under the snow.
That foreign field now holds
Your poems in its earth
Like crystals enshrined
In stone.

Ode to Escapism

I crave some peace
Peace to find my inner self.
Life makes demands
I do not always want
To answer their call.

Child, pupil, sweetheart, wife
Mother, grandmother, friend,
Foe, nurse, adviser, comforter,
The list goes on but deep
Inside just who am I.

I feel would like to escape
To that place that is so
Secret I will never be found
Until I am ready to take
Part in Life again.

Will the me that I discover
Be someone that I like
Admire even, or will I find
Deep disappointment in
The person I have become.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A New Day Dawns

The colours of sunrise swirl around
Before gathering into a fresh slate
On which to paint an exciting new
Instalment of the saga called Life.

There will be choices to make,
Happy, sad, regretful, optimistic
Negative or positive, and at day’s end
What colours will leave their indelible mark?

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Future Shock 

Is this what the air around me
Would look like if I could
See all the transmissions
Cutting through my space.
Telephones, televisions, radios, Ipads
Transmissions of all varieties slicing
Through my body with no regard
For the effect upon my cells.
No wonder I sometimes feel I’m
Not in full control of myself.
I’m absorbing other people’s text
Messages and communications.
Negative, positive, and neutral
Vibrations abound and invade.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

   My Scream

I have this scream inside
Primordial in its nature.
One day I fear, untried
It will escape still pure.

The colour will be red,
Ultramarine, and black.
Everything long unsaid
Nothing now held back.

The result will surely shock
Being the very opposite of me.
I must find the key that will unlock
The buried anguish totally.

Monday, March 19, 2012


Island City